Customer story

Folktandvården in LuleåImproved triage and increased accessibility for dental care

Folktandvården, public dental care, in Luleå embarked on a journey to enhance patient reception and accessibility. Elin Lundgren, dentist and Director of Operations, shares how Platform24’s triage and patient chat improved their patient care approach, and positively impacted their entire operation.






Dental care

Challenges and objectives

Before implementing the solution, the clinic aimed to prioritise urgent cases efficiently while simultaneously improving accessibility for patients seeking alternative communication channels.

“We sought ways to prioritise incoming cases by urgency while also enhancing accessibility for patients who prefer non-phone communication,”

Elin Lundgren – Dentist and Director of Operations, Folktandvården in Luleå

Enhanced triage and accessibility

The new clinic entrance allows patients to swiftly complete a digital triage form concerning their dental concerns. Subsequently, dental nurses manage the patient chat, providing immediate feedback and further assistance. This digital tool collects crucial patient information before the visit.

One significant advantage is that we gather comprehensive patient and symptom details, enabling better care right from the start.

Elin Lundgren – Dentist and Director of Operations

Pleased patients and empowered staff

The introduction of the digital chat solution has yielded remarkable results. The ability to prioritise urgent matters has significantly streamlined clinic operations.

The chat’s popularity extends to unexpected demographics. Even older patients have embraced the chat, showcasing an increased digital fluency.


Patients have awarded it high satisfaction ratings.

“We were pleasantly surprised to see patients with dental anxiety preferring the chat over phone calls”

The tool is user-friendly and self-explanatory. The chat offers time flexibility, enabling us to handle multiple cases concurrently. We can also prioritise patients and seek input from colleagues before communicating with patients.

Elin Lundgren
Dentist and Director of Operations, at Region Norrbotten

Tips for Fellow Dental Clinics

Elin offers valuable advice for dental clinics considering Platform24’s solution: -“Tailor the triage to your specific needs and actively participate in developing a triage model that aligns best with your clinic’s requirements.”

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