Swedish National TV: Gävleborg Region opens digital corona clinic

It is still calm inside the county’s hospital, but the pressure is high on the healthcare telephones. To relieve 1177 (the care counseling call center), the Region of Gävleborg now opening a digital corona clinic.

March 23, 2020

From SVT 2020-03-23:

During the weekend, another eight cases of corona were found in Gävleborg, the total number is now 24.

There is still no high pressure on the county’s intensive care units, but the Gävleborg Region receives many questions about corona by telephone. Therefore, as of today, a digital corona reception opens via 1177.se.

There, the patient can answer questions and chat with a nurse. The purpose is to reduce the load on the 1177’s telephone and at the same time facilitate the identification of suspected corona cases.

– 1177 has far too long queues, patients do not even get through, and in the queue there may be a lady with huge problems with her breathing who does not reach the nurse. Here you instead have the opportunity to write about your problems, then you end up at the top of the queue and are taken care of at once and referred correctly, says Ida Kedling, business developer.

Watch the broadcast in SVT