Gothenburg, Swedish Fair
The largest eHealth event in Scandinavia. Vitalis is a meeting point for everyone working strategically or operatively with business development and eHealth issues within healthcare and welfare. Visitors are from municipalities and county councils as well as from authorities and the private sector.
Maj 23, 2023, 13.00
What does AI mean for healthcare? Will it change everything? Or nothing? Join Jonathan Ilicki as he provides examples of how AI can actually help healthcare, and frameworks for distinguishing between hype and progress.
Maj 23, 2023, 13.00
How can we conduct twice as many studies with half as many resources? Join us on an exciting journey and learn more about the new research paradigm that Sweden is facing!
Maj 25, 2023, 13.35-13.50
A groundbreaking shift is underway as Sweden digitizes its triage process, revolutionizing one of the most crucial processes in healthcare.