We have an uncompromising focus on making every day better for both patients and clinicians.
To accomplish this, we build digital platforms for unbroken care chains, outstanding availability and increased efficiency.
Integrated Care Systems. We enable multiple levels of care on cross-system digi-physical workflows and multiple access points.
First-line and general practitioner services. Our platform facilitates easy access and increased virtual care efficiency for clinicians.
Individual clinics or whole chains providing specialized care. We offer superior patient journeys and automated workflows.
Larger facilities with multiple departments. Our digital front door gives patients access to multiple specialist departments and virtual care offerings.
Payers and insurers. Our platform supports payers who want to deliver an attractive, accessible patient front door as well as multiple virtual care options to customers.
Pharma companies. This white-label solution helps build attractive digital health offerings for a wide variety of therapeutic areas.
Ons platform geeft de patiënt controle in een digitale settin en vergroot de toegankelijkheid, veiligheid en efficiëntie van zorg.
We geloven in een wereld waarin naast patiënten ook artsen, verpleegkundigen en andere zorgverleners ondersteund worden door technologie. Ons doel is de zorg te digitaliseren waar dat kan, zonder het menselijke aspect te verliezen, zodat zorgverleners meer tijd en aandacht kunnen besteden aan de patiënten die dat nodig hebben.
Through the Patient Front Door, you provide your patients with a safe and empowering digital care path. Our Front Door offers an omnichannel patient engagement strategy, covering all aspects of digital patient interactions that surround the point of care.
Through our well proven self-service and automation support, patients gain control over their own care journeys, and providers save precious time and staff resources.
Securely connecting patients with their care providers and facilitating collaboration between clinicians.
Pathways is a tool designed for planned care. It enables monitoring and follow-up for temporary as well as chronic outpatient care.
Make the virtual care platform your own. Adapt the solution to fit your specific business goals and needs, by integrating with the services you prefer.