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Webcast ‘Who does what with whom’

Webcast ‘Who does what with whom’

september 27, 2022 , 16:00

In conversation with Hylke and Marijn, we ask what follow-up steps are needed to accelerate digital care and how this can be implemented.

  • Digital Health
  • Webinar

The Netherlands has had one of the best-performing healthcare systems in the world for many years. But the quality and accessibility of our care are under pressure. The demand for care is rising faster than the supply, increasing the pressure on the labor market and financial resources. Continuing on the current path is untenable. Our care must be organized differently. It is now clear to everyone what needs to be done, but the big question is how we are going to achieve this. We would like to invite you to our webcast on Tuesday, September 27 from 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM in which we will take you through our strategic agenda for the next few years. An agenda in which stronger central management with sufficient scope for regional implementation is central.

As a tip of the veil, and probably not entirely surprising to many of you, digital care will play an increasingly important role in the future. After the presentation of the publication, we will enter into a dialogue with Marijn Meuwese, managing director at Platform24 and Hylke Kingma, partner digital strategy at KPMG. Hylke is an expert in the digital transformation of healthcare. In conversation with Hylke and Marijn, we ask what follow-up steps are needed to accelerate digital care and how this can be implemented.
