“Digital Hälsa” in Sweden: Regions significantly relieved by digital corona clinic

april 1, 2020

The industry magazine “Digital Hälsa” in Sweden writes about early results for our digital corona clinic:

Platform24 has analyzed the data from the first few weeks of using the solution for triaging patients who have experienced corona symptoms. The healthtech company delivered the solution to the healthcare in the three counties of Norrbotten, Gävleborg and Jämtland Härjedalen.

– Our data analysis shows that our digital triaging tool provides significant relief for healthcare staff and increased access to medical information and care for patients, says Sara Dannborg, Head of Communications at Platform24, to Digital Hälsa.

This information is confirmed by Ida Kedling, business developer in the Gävleborg Region, regarding the region where she works. “There is a high burden on healthcare now, but with this digital entrance we can increase accessibility and the patients are prioritized already in the queue according to how severe the problems are. Even hearing impaired patients can easily get help this way “, says Ida Kedling.

The web-based corona clinic is part of a concept with a so-called single digital entrance to healthcare. The care seeker logs in via Bank ID and can answer automatically created questions according to medical protocols and is then guided to the relevant level of care. The care seeker is offered self-care advice and information about their condition. Among the alternatives are also chat conversations in the form of a care visit online with a nurse or doctor, as well as a reference to 112. There is currently a great deal of interest in Platform24’s service. – During April, several regions will implement our digital access to healthcare and the integrated corona clinic, says Sara Dannborg.