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Vitalis 20-23 May 2025

Vitalis 20-23 May 2025

 Gothenburg, Svenska Mässan

The largest eHealth event in Scandinavia. Vitalis is a meeting point for everyone working strategically or operatively with business development and eHealth issues within healthcare and welfare. Visitors are from municipalities and county councils as well as from authorities and the private sector.

    Contact or book a meeting with us during Vitalis!

    Send us a message with what you want to discuss.


    Welcome to Healthtech-mingle!

    May 21th, 17:00, in standB03:02

    We kindly invite you to swing by our stand to grab a bit and discuss digital health, triage and RPM after the first day of Vitalis.

    The finest coffee at Vitalis

    Tuesday to Thursday, in stand B03:02

    As in previous years, we offer Vitalis’ best coffee, tailored to your taste. Swing by to taste!

    Gothenburg, Sweden