august 21, 2024

Increased control and trust – Pathways from the patient’s perspective

Platform24's Pathways solution automates and connects activities in the care pathway around a patient for planned care, such as an operation.

august 21, 2024

For the healthcare provider, it means that the amount of manual work can be reduced and that activities and dialog are gathered in one system. For the patient, the solution means increased participation and improved communication with the healthcare system. The digital care plan provides the patient with a clear timeline and constant access to information about past, present and future steps, which increases the patient’s perceived safety.

Below you can read about a patient case that illustrates how Pathways can be experienced by the patient.

Johan needed a gallbladder removal

Johan sought medical attention due to recurrent and intense pain under his ribs. Gallstones were suspected, and he was referred to a surgeon. Johan received an appointment and filled in a digital health declaration, which was directly available to the medical staff.

“When the doctor told me I was going to have surgery, I was nervous,” says Johan. “I’ve never had surgery before and I was afraid of making a mistake or forgetting something important before the operation.”

To make the time before and after surgery easier, Johan was enrolled in a care plan through Pathways. The doctor explained that he would receive all the information and reminders directly on his phone so that nothing would be forgotten.

Guided with Pathways

After the doctor’s appointment, Johan received a notification on his phone that he had been added to a care plan. When he logged into the app, he had access to all the information and a timeline for the surgery. He also received regular reminders about activities he needed to do, such as starting or stopping medication or quitting smoking.  He also had access to a chat with his charge nurse, where he could easily ask questions.

“It was great that I didn’t have to keep track of a lot of paperwork. Instead, I got the information when I needed it and reminders about my preparations. If anything was unclear, I could always ask in the chat.”

As the day of the surgery approached, Johan received a reminder to start fasting and was able to confirm to the medical staff via the app that he started fasting. If he missed a task or forgot to confirm, the healthcare professional was immediately notified and could contact him. This smooth and seamless communication ensures that everything is in order before a surgery, so that it can be carried out as planned, saving a lot of time and resources.

“It was really nice to know that I had done everything right before the surgery, and that the medical staff had confirmation of that. They knew I was on top of things, and I knew they were on top of things.”

By the time Johan arrived at the hospital, the medical staff had already been informed that all the preparations were ready, and the operation could begin immediately.

Follow-up after surgery

Once back home after the operation, Johan’s condition was followed up via forms about his well-being. If the recovery was not going as planned, the healthcare professionals were notified and activities could be automatically triggered; for example, answering other forms, or scheduling care visits. He also had digital follow-ups with healthcare professionals. Johan was able to book all his appointments himself instead of being assigned an appointment that might not have been convenient. 

“It was quick and easy to answer the questions. I also got to talk to the doctor on a digital follow-up so I didn’t have to go to the hospital.”

After some time, when the planned follow-ups were completed and Johan was still feeling well, his care plan was finalized.

“I have felt so safe all along the way. Thanks to the digital care plan, I’ve been able to keep track of everything I need, and I’ve also felt confident that the care staff have been keeping an eye on me. In the past, I have experienced healthcare as remote and inaccessible, but now it has been the opposite.”

Fact-checked by David Jaraj, surgeon

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